Week of Feb 24, 2019

Food for Thought

Minoo W. Kim
1 min readMar 11, 2019


What are some habits of the ordinary saints that always made you wonder? (These ordinary saints are the people near you and around you— whether your parents, grandparents, friends, etc.) What made you wonder? What made their habits stand out to you?

What are some habits you’ve inherited from these ordinary saints?


Reflect on the rhythms of your life. Which of them are motivated primarily by your faith? Of those, which do you think would qualify as “questionable” — practices that the non-Christians in your life would find surprising or intriguing? (from Surprise the World, p15)


The quiet time prioritized personal Bible reading and prayer, but it also privatized Christian practice, rendering social-gospel priorities, for examples, as suspect because the dots don’t easily connect between social engagement and personal/private disciplines.

What are your thoughts on the above paragraph?

Reflect on habits you’ve developed that are related to your Christian faith. Are these habits connected more on “personal piety” or “social holiness”?



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